Modern Phytomorphology

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Volume 1 (2012)


Micromorphological evidence for androecium origin of Claytonia (Montiaceae) petaloids

Patrícia dos Santos, Sam Brockington, Beverley Glover, Louis P. Ronse de Craene

Abstract PDF



Anatomical structure of Polystichum Roth ferns rachises

Iryna O. Polyshchuk, Olena V. Vasheka, Oksana V. Tyshchenko

Abstract PDF

Review Article

Structural multivariate of plants from the position of modular organization

N. P. Savinykh, O. P. Degtereva, I. A. Zhuravleva, E. I. Chuprakova, S. V. Shabalkina

Abstract PDF

Research Article

Research Article

Phylogeny and taxonomy of the Teloschistaceae (Ascomycota): Importance of monophyletic groups

S. Y. Kondratyuk, M.-H. Jeong, I. Kärnefelt, J. A. Elix, J.-S. Hur, A. Thell

Abstract PDF
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