I.T. Slyusar
National Scientific Centre “Institute of Agriculture of the National Academy of Agrarian Scien, Mashynobudivnykiv Str. 2b, 08162, Chabany, UkrainePublications
Peculiarities of botanical composition formation of cereal agrophytocenosis on sod-podzolic soil depending on fertilization
Author(s): U.M. Karbivska, A. O. Butenko*, V.F. Kaminskyi, N.M. Asanishvili, M.A. Tkachenko, V.H. Kurgak, H.I. Demydas, V.V. Moisiienko, I.T. Slyusar, M.I. Shtakal, E.H. Degodyuk, S.E. Degodyuk and H.M. Solovei
Despite the favorable climatic conditions of the region for onion growing, due to significant plowing of foothills (up to 80%) and low productivity, which does not exceed 1.3 t/ha-1.5 t/ha of fodder units, they do not fully perform their fodder production and environmental function. Ago Peculiarities of cereal agrophytocenosis formation when growing on sod-podzolic soil of Precarpathians depending on doses and NPK ratios of mineral fertilizers have been studied is relevant today. Perennial cereal grass was formed from Phléum praténse, Lolium pratense and Bromus inermis, which is kept in agrocenosis at sufficient level with a sprout density of 1440 pcs/m2-2726 pcs/m2, share of sown crops 64%-95% and linear growth in the first moving on nitrogen-free backgrounds 31cm-100 cm. Fertilizers had a different effect on the density and transformation of a sown cereal grass, especi.. Read More»
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7715057