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Citations Report
Articles published in Modern Phytomorphology have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world.
Modern Phytomorphology has got h-index 19, which means every article in Modern Phytomorphology has got 19 average citations.
Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Modern Phytomorphology.
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Conference proceedings
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Journal h-index since 2016
Important citations
Casanova, Jamile M., Domingos Cardoso, Claudia F. Barros, Haroldo C. de Lima, and Karen LG De Toni. "Floral morphology and development in Tachigali (Caesalpinioideae, Leguminosae), a predominantly rainforest tree genus with contrasting flower architectures." Plant Systematics and Evolution 306, no. 2 (2020): 1-13.
BÜLBÜL, G. A., & GENÇER, A. Avokado Odununun Baz? Kimyasal ve Morfolojik Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi ve Ka??t Hamuru Üretimine Uygunlu?unun Ara?t?r?lmas?. Bart?n Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, 23(1), 95-103.
Saban, K. A. R. T., BAYSAL, E., ALTAY, C., GAVCAR, E., TOKER, H., & TURKOGLU, T. (2018). The International Forest Products Congress. PROCEEDINGS BOOK, 509.
Novikov, A. (2021). Comparative Floral Morphology and Anatomy of Gagea s. str. and Lloydia. Acta Agrobotanica, 74.
??R?N, G., & GÜNDÜZ, G. Ak Dut A?ac? Dal ve Gövde Odununun Anatomik Aç?dan Kar??la?t?rmal? Analizi. Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 10(1), 84-89.
Mendoza, R. C., Daracan, V. C., Manalo, R. D., Batallones, C. H. R., Jaurigue, K. G., Romano, A. D., & Abasolo, W. P. (2019). Anatomical and Physico-mechanical Characterization of Narra (Pterocarpus indicus Willd.) Branchwood Collected in Mount Makiling Forest Reserve, Laguna, Philippines. Philippine Journal of Science, 148(4), 705-713.
Espinosa, F., Damerval, C., Le Guilloux, M., Deroin, T., Wang, W., Pinedo-Castro, M., ... & Jabbour, F. (2021). Homeosis and delayed floral meristem termination could account for abnormal flowers in cultivars of Delphinium and Aquilegia (Ranunculaceae). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 195(3), 485-500.
ODABA?-SER?N, Z., & PENEZO?LU, M. K. (2020). AYDIN VE KAHRAMANMARA?’TA YET??EN ZEYT?N (OLEA EUROPAEA L.) ODUNUNUN BAZI ÖZELL?KLER?. Turkish Journal of Forest Science, 4(2), 396-407.
Chang, H., Downie, S. R., Peng, H., & Sun, F. (2019). Floral organogenesis in three members of the tribe Delphinieae (Ranunculaceae). Plants, 8(11), 493.
SER?N, Z. O. S., & PENEZO?LU, M. K. (2020). ?ncir (Ficus carica) odunun kimyasal, fiziksel ve morfolojik özellikleri. Avrupa Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, (19), 843-849.
Tichi, A. H., & Divkolae, M. R. (2019). Anatomical, physical and biometric properties of Ficus carica wood in longitudinal and transverse direction of tree stem. Iranian Journal of Wood and Paper Science Research, 34(2).
Sinjushin, A. A., Tekdal, D., Ciftci, C., & Cetiner, S. (2018). Floral development in Thermopsis turcica, an unusual multicarpellate papilionoid legume. Plant Systematics and Evolution, 304(4), 461-471.
Salim, M. A., Mohamed, A. S. H., & Tantawy, M. E. (2016). Morphological study of some taxa of Ranunculaceae Juss in Egypt (anatomy and pollen grains). Beni-Suef University Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 5(4), 310-319.
Cechinel Filho, V. (2018). Marrubium vulgare L. In Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of South America (pp. 317-321). Springer, Dordrecht.
Espinosa, F., Deroin, T., Xiang, K. L., Wang, W., Castro, M. P., Byng, J. W., ... & Jabbour, F. (2017). The Turkish endemic Pseudodelphinium turcicum (Ranunculaceae): an unusual population of Delphinium with peloric flowers that has persisted in the wild for 20 years. International Journal of Plant Sciences, 178(7), 000-000.
Yabrir, B. (2019). Essential oil of Marrubium vulgare: Chemical composition and biological activities. A review. Natural Product Sciences, 25(2), 81-91.
Said-Al Ahl, H. A., & Sabra, A. S. (2016). Growth, herb and essential oil of Marrubium vulgare as affected by phenological stages and planting dates. J. chem. pharm. Res, 8, 863-872.
Rewicz, A., Bomanowska, A., Magda, J., & Rewicz, T. (2017). Morphological variability of Consolida regalis seeds of south-eastern and central Europe. Systematics and Biodiversity, 15(1), 25-34.
A?imovi?, M., Jeremi?, K., Salaj, N., Gavari?, N., Kiprovski, B., Sikora, V., & Zeremski, T. (2020). Marrubium vulgare L.: A phytochemical and pharmacological overview. Molecules, 25(12), 2898.