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Citations Report
Articles published in Modern Phytomorphology have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world.
Modern Phytomorphology has got h-index 19, which means every article in Modern Phytomorphology has got 19 average citations.
Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Modern Phytomorphology.
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Journal h-index since 2016
Important citations
Hoda?, Ladislav, Christine Hallmann, Karolin Spitzer, Josef Elster, Fabian Faßhauer, Nicole Brinkmann, Daniela Lepka, Vaibhav Diwan, and Thomas Friedl. "Widespread green algae Chlorella and Stichococcus exhibit polar-temperate and tropical-temperate biogeography." FEMS Microbiology Ecology 92, no. 8 (2016).
Bhatt MR. Systematics studies on orchidaceae of gujarat (Doctoral dissertation, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda).
Cervantes E, Martín Gómez JJ, Gutiérrez del Pozo D, Silva Dias L. An Angiosperm Species Dataset Reveals Relationships between Seed Size and Two-Dimensional Shape. Horticulturae. 2019 Dec;5(4):71.
Cervantes E, Martín Gómez JJ. Seed shape description and quantification by comparison with geometric models. Horticulturae. 2019 Sep;5(3):60.
Martín-Gómez JJ, Rewicz A, Goriewa-Duba K, Wiwart M, Tocino Á, Cervantes E. Morphological description and classification of wheat kernels based on geometric models. Agronomy. 2019 Jul;9(7):399.
Gómez JJ, del Pozo DG, Cervantes E. Seed shape quantification in the Malvaceae reveals cardioid-shaped seeds predominantly in herbs. Botanica. 2019 Jun 1;25(1):21-31.
Nedukha OM, Kordyum EL. Participation of silicon ions in the tolerance and plasticity of plants Phragmites australis to a soil moisture reduction.
Ungrová A. PÅ™izpůsobení koÅ™enů orchidejí k epifytickému způsobu života.
Balachandar M, Ravi RK, Nagaraj K, Muthukumar T. Vegetative anatomy and mycorrhizal morphology of Schoenorchis nivea (Lindl.) Schltr.,(Orchidaceae) and their adaptive significance. Acta Biologica Szegediensis. 2019 Jul 25;63(1):1-3.
Balachandar M, Ravi RK, Ranjithamani A, Muthukumar T. Comparative vegetative anatomy and mycorrhizal morphology of three South Indian Luisia species (Orchidaceae) with the note on their epiphytic adaptations. Flora. 2019 Feb 1;251:39-61.
Bhatt MR. Systematics studies on orchidaceae of gujarat (Doctoral dissertation, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda).
AwadAl-Harbi N. Allelopathic Effect of Leaf Extract of Two Wild Plants on Seed Germination, Shoot and Root Lengths of Two Weed Species; Portulacaoleracea and Chenopodium murale.
PuÅ‚a J, Zandi P, Stachurska-SwakoÅ„ A, Barabasz-Krasny B, MożdżeÅ„ K, Wang Y. Influence of alcoholic extracts from Helianthus annnus L. roots on the photosynthetic activity of Sinapis alba L. cv. Barka plants. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B—Soil & Plant Science. 2019 Sep 13:1-6.
Ozhatay N, Kultur S, Gurdal B. Check-list of additional taxa to the supplement flora of Turkey IX. Journal of the Faculty of Pharmacy of Istanbul University. 2019 Aug 1;49(2):105-21.
Tripathi AK, Sharma JK. Occurrence of Symphyotrichum squamatum (Spreng.) GL Nesom in Uttar Pradesh, India: A new record.
Hussain A. Distribution and Molecualr Phylogeny of Artemisia Plants from Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan (Doctoral dissertation, International Islamic University, Islamabad.).
Hussain A, Hayat MQ, Sahreen S, Bokhari SA. Unveiling the Foliar Epidermal Anatomical Characteristics of Artemisia L.(Asteraceae) from Northeast (Gilgit-Baltistan), Pakistan.
Hussain A, Hayat MQ, Sahreen S, Bokhari SA. Unveiling the Foliar Epidermal Anatomical Characteristics of Genus Artemisia (Asteraceae) from Northeast (Gilgit-Baltistan), Pakistan. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURE AND BIOLOGY. 2019 Jan 1;21(3):630-8.