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Citations Report
Articles published in Modern Phytomorphology have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world.
Modern Phytomorphology has got h-index 19, which means every article in Modern Phytomorphology has got 19 average citations.
Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Modern Phytomorphology.
Year wise published articles
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Journal h-index since 2016
Important citations
Keshavarzi, M., Ijbari, H., Mosaferi, S., & Ebrahimi, F. (2017). A Floristic Study of Hamun Lake Basin, South East of Iran. Ecologia Balkanica, 9(1).
Sulistyowati, S., Yuliani, Y., & Bashri, A. (2018). Identifikasi Strukur Sekretori yang Berpotensi Menghasilkan Minyak Atsiri pada Genus Coleus. LenteraBio: Berkala Ilmiah Biologi, 7(2).
da Silva Ferreira, J. J., Fortuna Perez, A. P., Lewis, G. P., & Silva, J. S. (2021). Characteristics of the Fruits of Brazilian Species of Stylosanthes Sw.(Leguminosae) and Their Taxonomic Value. International Journal of Plant Sciences, 182(2), 133-150.
Izbastina, K., Kurmanbayeva, M., Bazargaliyeva, A., Ablaikhanova, N., Inelova, Z., Moldakaryzova, A., ... & Turuspekov, Y. (2020). Morphological, anatomical structure and molecular phylogenetics of anthemis trotzkiana claus. Pak. J. Bot, 52(3), 935-947.
Mercado, M. I., Marcial, G., Catalán, J. V., Grau, A., Catalán, C. A., & Ponessa, G. I. (2021). Morphoanatomy, histochemistry, essential oil, and other secondary metabolites of Artemisia copa (Asteraceae). Botany Letters, 1-17.
Tripathi, A. K., & Sharma, J. K. (2019). Occurrence of Symphyotrichum squamatum (Spreng.) GL Nesom in Uttar Pradesh, India: a new record. Modern Phytomorphology, (13), 26-29.
Sever, K. (2020). Influence of wollastonite hybridization on the properties of artichoke-filled polypropylene composites. Emerging Materials Research, 9(2), 302-307.
Özhatay, N., Kültür, ?., & Gürdal, B. (2019). Check-list of additional taxa to the supplement flora of Turkey IX. ?stanbul Journal of Pharmacy, 49(2), 105-120.
??????, ?. ?. (2021). Notes on taxonomy of Erysimum (Erysimeae, Cruciferae) of Russia and adjacent states. II. Middle Asian purple-and orange-flowered species. Turczaninowia, 24(3), 111-128.
El-Zohiri, S. S. (2015). Performance comparison of three alternatives for GA3 on growth, earliness and total yield of globe artichoke. Middle East of Appl Sci, 5(3), 636-644.
Grabowska, A., Caruso, G., Mehrafarin, A., Kalisz, A., Gruszecki, R., Kunicki, E., & SÄ, A. (2018). Application of modern agronomic and biotechnological strategies to valorise worldwide globe artichoke (Cynara cardunculus L.) potential-an analytical overview. Italian Journal of Agronomy, 13(4), 279-289.
NADLER, K. Botanische und ökologische Notizen zum Naturwaldreservat Stužica in den ostslowakischen Karpaten.
Novikov, A., & Mitka, J. (2020). Spatial analysis and distribution modeling of Aconitum moldavicum in Ukrainian Carpathians and adjacent territories with special reference to the algorithm used. Plant Introduction= ??????????? ??????= Ìntrodukcìâ Roslin, 85.
Samiyarsih, S., Pratiwi, A. Y. P., Muljowati, J. S., & Fitrianto, N. (2020). Selection of Soybean (Glycine max) Germplasm Against Biotrophic Fungi Disease Based on Anatomical Resistance. Biosaintifika: Journal of Biology & Biology Education, 12(3), 311-318.
Breman, E., Hurdu, B. I., Kliment, J., Kobiv, Y., Ku?era, J., Mráz, P., ... & Slovák, M. (2020). Conserving the endemic flora of the Carpathian Region: an international project to increase and share knowledge of the distribution, evolution and taxonomy of Carpathian endemics and to conserve endangered species. Plant Systematics and Evolution, 306, 1-15.
Jeniria, F., & Mukarlina, R. L. (2015). Struktur Anatomi dan Jagung (Zea mays L.) yang Terserang Penyakit Bercak dan Karat. Protobiont, 4(1).
Ungrová, A. (2018). P?izp?sobení ko?en? orchidejí k epifytickému zp?sobu života.
RAHMAWATI, D., KHUMAIDA, N., & SIREGAR, U. J. (2019). Morphological and phytochemical characterization of susceptible and resistant sengon (Falcataria moluccana) tree to gall rust disease. Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity, 20(3), 907-913.
Crúz, M. V. O., González, A. C., & Orozco, A. Z. (2021). Caracterización anatómica foliar de cuatro especies de orquídeas epífitas de Cuericí, Costa Rica. Repertorio Científico, 24(1), 96-108.
Pradana, A. W., Samiyarsih, S., & Muljowati, J. S. (2017). Korelasi karakter anatomi daun ubi jalar (Ipomoea batatas L.) kultivar tahan dan tidak tahan terhadap intensitas penyakit kudis daun. Scripta Biologica, 4(1), 21-29.