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Citations Report
Articles published in Modern Phytomorphology have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world.
Modern Phytomorphology has got h-index 19, which means every article in Modern Phytomorphology has got 19 average citations.
Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Modern Phytomorphology.
Year wise published articles
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Journal h-index since 2016
Important citations
A?imovi?, M., Stankovi? Jeremi?, J., Cvetkovi?, M., Kiprovski, B., Marjanovic Jeromela, A., Rat, M., & Malen?i?, ?. (2019). Essential oil analysis of different hyssop genotypes from IFVCNS medicinal plant collection garden. Letopis nau?nih radova/Annals of Agronomy, 43(1), 38-45.
Tomaszewska, P., & Kosina, R. (2021). Variability of pollen grains quality in oat amphiploids and their parental species. bioRxiv.
Kosina, R., & Tomaszewska, P. (2016). Variability of breeding system, caryopsis microstructure and germination in annual and perennial species of the genus Brachypodium P. Beauv. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 63(6), 1003-1021.
Tamakhina, A. Y., & Gadiyeva, A. A. (2017). MORPHOLOGY OF EXCRETORY TISSUE OF LEAVES AND SECONDARY METABOLITES OF SOME SPECIES FROM INULA GENUS. South of Russia: ecology, development, 12(3), 53-63.
Németh-Zámbori, É., Rajhárt, P., & Inotai, K. (2017). Effect of genotype and age on essential oil and total phenolics in hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis L.). Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality, 90.
Deswiniyanti, N. W., & Lestari, N. K. D. PERSILANGAN INTERSPESIFIK ANGGREK HITAM (Coelogyne pandurata) DENGAN ANGGREK MUTIARA (Coelogyne asperata) INTERSPESIFIC HYBRIDISATION OF BLACK ORCHID (Coelogyne pandurata) AND PEARL ORCHID (Coelogyne asperata).
Kusuma Wati, R. (2021). Systematics, epidermal defense and bioprospecting of wild orchids (Doctoral dissertation, Leiden University).
Reyes-González, C. E., Torres-Morán, J. P., Ramírez-Hernández, B. C., Portillo, L., Pimienta-Barrios, E., & Torres-Morán, M. I. (2018). Morphological changes of mexican native succulent plants in a vertical greenery system compared with pot conditions. HortTechnology, 28(3), 304-309.
Chernetskyy, M., Wozniak, A., Skalska-Kaminska, A., Zuraw, B., Blicharska, E., Rejdak, R., ... & Weryszko-Chmielewska, E. (2018). Structure of leaves and phenolic acids in Kalanchoë daigremontiana Raym.-Hamet & H. Perrier. Acta Sci. Polonorum Hortorum Cultus, 17, 137-155.
Said-Al Ahl, H. A., Abbas, Z. K., Sabra, A. S., & Tkachenko, K. G. (2015). Essential oil composition of Hyssopus officinalis L. cultivated in Egypt. International Journal of Plant Science and Ecology, 1(2), 49-53.
Muravnik, L. E. (2021). The structural peculiarities of the leaf glandular trichomes: a review. Plant Cell and Tissue Differentiation and Secondary Metabolites: Fundamentals and Applications, 63-97.
Salim, M. A., Shiha, M. A., Mohamed, S. A., Shhata, A. A., & Taia, W. K. (2019). Phenetic analysis on some taxa of Crassulaceae DC. based on morphological and molecular criteria. THE EGYPTIAN JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY (Botany), 15(2), 176-196.
Sandoval-Zapotitla, E., Martínez-Quezada, D. M., Reyes-Santiago, J., & de los Ángeles, M. Leaf morpho-anatomical diversity in Echeveria aff. gigantea (Crassulaceae) Diversidad de la morfoanatomía foliar en Echeveria aff. gigantea (Crassulaceae).
Muravnik, L. E., Kostina, O. V., & Mosina, A. A. (2019). Glandular trichomes of the leaves in three Doronicum species (Senecioneae, Asteraceae): morphology, histochemistry, and ultrastructure. Protoplasma, 256(3), 789-803.
Sandoval-Zapotitla, E., Martínez-Quezada, D. M., Reyes-Santiago, J., & de los Ángeles, M. Leaf morpho-anatomical diversity in Echeveria aff. gigantea (Crassulaceae) Diversidad de la morfoanatomía foliar en Echeveria aff. gigantea (Crassulaceae).
Sandoval-Zapotitla, E., Martínez-Quezada, D. M., Reyes-Santiago, J., Islas-Luna, M. D. L. Á., & Rosas, U. (2019). Diversidad de la morfoanatomía foliar en Echeveria aff. gigantea (Crassulaceae). Botanical Sciences, 97(2), 218-235.
Hernández-Rosas, A., del Castillo, M. M., Díaz-Larrea, J., & Rodríguez, F. (2018). Single-cell PCR amplification of thecate dinoflagellates: a case study of Tripos (Dinophyceae). Journal of Applied Phycology, 30(2), 1117-1124.
Sandoval-Zapotitla, E., Martínez-Quezada, D. M., Reyes-Santiago, J., Islas-Luna, M. D. L. Á., & Rosas, U. (2019). Leaf morpho-anatomical diversity in Echeveria aff. gigantea (Crassulaceae). Botanical Sciences, 97(2), 218-235.
Pasichna, O. O., Gorbatiuk, L. O., Kuklia, I. G., & Godlevska, O. O. (2016). Effect of Elevated Concentration of Phosphorus in the Aquatic Medium on Chlorophylls Content in Submerged Macrophytes. Hydrobiological Journal, 52(5).