Modern Phytomorphology

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Keyvan Shams

Department of Crop Production, College of Agriculture, Kermanshah Branch, Islamic Azad University, Iran


  • Research   
    Agronomical responses of wheat cultivars to deficient water stress
    Author(s): Keyvan Shams*

    Two similar and concurrent experiments were carried out in the Agricultural Research Center of Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah Branch and Agricultural Research Center of Islamabad during 2016-2017. The experiments were performed in a split-plot format in a randomized complete-block design based on 3 replications. The main plots were assigned to 4 different regimes of irrigation: (I1) full irrigation during the growth period followed by 50% of the soil moisture depletion; (I2) water deficit stress from the start of the flowering stage (Z61) to the milking stage (Z77) associated with irrigation after 80% of the soil moisture depletion; (I3) water deficit stress from the beginning of the flowering stage (Z61) to the ripening stage (Z93) followed by irrigation after 80% of the soil moisture depletion; and (I4) water deficit stress from the start of the milking stage (Z77) to the ripen.. Read More»
    DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7731554

    Abstract HTML PDF

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