Modern Phytomorphology

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Yield and economics of foliar biofertilizer application of spring barley in organic farming on low nutrition background


Elina Zakharchenko*, Zhaoxin Huang, Valentyna Nechyporenko, Tetiana Antal, Iryna Samoshkina, Mykola Radchenko, Roman Bondarets, Vadym Blyzniuk, Oleksandr Naumov and Andrii Tsedilkin

The experiment studied the effectiveness of fertilizers in the foliar application of Rhizum, Leanum, and Gumisil-A in the field of barley which contain organic substances, macro- and micronutrients, amino acids, phytohormones. Of the three fertilizers, only Leanum contained nitrogen-fixing, phosphorus-forming, and potassium-mobilizing, lactic acid bacteria, decomposers, beneficial fungi. Soil of the experimental plot has low content of humus and nitrogen, medium content of labile phosphorus and exchangeable potassium with pH H2O 6.7. The highest yield was obtained with Leanum, exceeding the control without foliar application by 10.2%. As a result, using Leanum, the level of profitability is 6.44%. The application of Rhizum and Gumisil-A was not profitable due to the insignificant increase in yield and the cost of preparation, transportation and applying. Expensive fuel lubricating materials currently offset farmers' profits.


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