Modern Phytomorphology

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The share of sunflower in the structure of cultivated areas of Ukraine in pre-war and wartime


Andrii Kysylchuk, Elina Zakharchenko, Nina Rudska, Yehor Bolshakov, Lyudmyla Kriuchko, Serhii Berdin, Zoia Hlupak, Lesya Burko, Roman Tkachenko, Maksym Hnitetskyi, Oleksandr Zubko

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has had a profound impact on global food production, affecting the supply of agricultural products on world markets, including the structure of cultivated areas for major crops such as sunflower. This article examines the share of sunflower cultivation compared to other crops during the pre-war period and throughout the war, focusing on the cultivated areas by region in Ukraine. An analysis of the dynamics of sunflower cultivation areas is conducted. It is observed that the share of sunflower has increased due to a less problematic market compared to corn, maintaining almost guaranteed profitability, lower cultivation technology costs due to in-country processing facilities. Agricultural crops in Ukraine are characterized by an increase in the cost of cultivation technology, logistical chain issues, and a sharp decline in profitability, especially for cereal crops.


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