Modern Phytomorphology

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The formation of indicators of the quality of buckwheat grain depending on the elements of technology.


Oleksandr Mashchenko, Lyudmyla Kriuchko, Roman Bordun, Anatoliy Podhaietskyi, Ivan Sobran, Gennadiy Davydenko, Valentina Toryanik, Maksym Hnitetskyi, Roman Kuzmenko

The purpose of the research was to determine the response of buckwheat varieties of different morphotypes to sowing dates and methods and to evaluate the influence of these factors on the formation of productivity indicators and qualitative characteristics of buckwheat. To find out the agrobiological features of the growth and development of buckwheat plants depending on the action and interaction of the researched elements of cultivation technology. Based on the results of the research, it was established that the grain quality indicators of both varieties of buckwheat depended to a greater extent on the genetic properties of the variety, to a lesser extent on the terms and methods of sowing. This made it possible to reveal a complex reaction in unstable weather conditions during the growing season and years of research that influenced their change. Buckwheat by–products in the form of straw and chaff make it possible to obtain valuable fodder, for the Slobozhanka variety in feed units from 1.86 t/ha to 2.29 t/ha, and for the Yaroslavna variety – forage units from 2.05 t/ha to 2.27 t/ha. Thus, buckwheat, in addition to grain, provides farms with a fodder base in the amount of 6.2 t/ha to 7.6 t/ha of straw, which in terms of nutrition is close to the hay of perennial grasses, and in terms of mineral composition to leguminous grasses.


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