Modern Phytomorphology

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The efficiency of urea-ammonium nitrate application in inter-row feeding in maize cultivation


Adamchyk Y., Kravchenko N., Kolisnyk O., Aralova. T., Protasov O., Dubovyk O., Dubovyk I., Stavytskyi A.

The issue of influence on the level of grain maize yield of different rates of application of Urea Ammonium Nitrate (UAN32) in the BBCH 17-18 phase is highlighted. The fertilizer was applied by inter-row cultivation with a mounted cultivator IRIST. The most optimal rate of nitrogen fertilizer application during root application is N35, in conditions of dark gray soil, on loess loam in the Polissya zone of Ukraine, against the background of applied nitrogen N98 in autumn and when sowing N8 as part of a complex fertilizer (YaraMila 8-24-24). The application rate of UAN above N35 reduces grain yield and profitability. Applied during the growing season, the norms of N16-N35 of nitrogen fertilizer contribute to an increase in the height, weight of the plant, leaf surface area and grain yield.


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