Modern Phytomorphology

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The effect of flurprimidol on Allium rosenbachianum Reg. forced in pots


Halina Laskowska, Elżbieta Pogroszewska, Marzena Parzymies

The effect of flurprimidol on Allium rosenbachianum (Reg.) flowering and forcing period was studied. Bulbs of 18-20 cm circumference were used in the experiment. Two methods of retardant application were used: bulbs soaking before planting and triple spraying of plants during the vegetation period (in the stage of leaf rosette, open leaves and in the phase of green, ‘sitting’ bud). Flurprimidol was used in the following doses: 15 mg ∙ dm-3, 30 mg ∙ dm-3, 45 mg ∙ dm-3 and control (plants treated with distilled water). Bulbs were planted into pots on the 20th of October and ‘wet cooled’ for 14 weeks in the temperature of 9°C. During forcing in a greenhouse, morphological features of plants were observed. It was noted that flurprimidol may be effectively used for suppressing A. rosenbachianum forced in a greenhouse as a pot plant. Flurprimidol used in concentration of 45 mg ∙ dm-3 significantly inhibited growth of shoots and length of flower pedicels and leaves and increased number of flowers in inflorescences at the same time. Soaking bulbs of A. rosenbachianum in flurprimidol solution before planting shortened forcing period by 4 days.



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