Modern Phytomorphology

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Technological methods of improving rapeseed feed and reducing their toxicity


Mykytyn Mykola, Melnyk Uliana, Hotvianska Anna, Kovalenko Vitalii, Bondarenko Oksana, Bordun Roman

The study aimed to analyze technological ways to improve rapeseed feed and determine its effectiveness. At the same time, biochemical, computational and analytical research methods were used. It is shown that cake and meal obtained from the processing of cruciferous oilseeds into oil are valuable sources of protein in the diets of farm animals and poultry, but along with nutrients they contain a number of antinutrients. The composition of antinutrients of rapeseed meal-glucosinolates, sinapine, tannins, saponins and others has been determined, in connection with which their use in feeding farm animals and poultry has to be limited. The ways to improve the nutritional value of by-products of rapeseed processing are analyzed, the main of which are breeding and technology. It is noted that a decrease in the content of glucosinolates already to one degree or another takes place in the process of processing seeds into oil at industrial enterprises. For the subsequent reduction of the content of antinutrients, physical, chemical, enzymatic and microbiological methods of processing are also proposed, which are based on their chemical or thermal decomposition to non-toxic or low-toxic compounds, inactivation of the enzyme myrosinase, polymerization of decomposition products, their metabolization by microorganisms, etc.


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