Modern Phytomorphology

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Medicinal plants and their role for the production of effective biological preparations to reduce the ecotoxicity of the animal body by heavy metals using the example of a plant Eleutherococcus senticosus


Serhii Portiannyk

Contamination of the biosphere and its components of air, soil, water, plants and animals by heavy metals has become widespread. In Ukraine, the war led to the destruction of oil depots, hydraulic structures, solid waste landfills, sewage treatment plants, testing of various types of weapons, which only exacerbated the environmental problem of heavy metal pollution. In the post-war period, agricultural enterprises will concentrate their attention on the production of ecologically safe cow's milk on cattle farms, the agro-ecosystems of which are subject not only to increased technogenic influence, but also to mines and explosions. Heavy metals incorporated with feed cause chronic intoxication, affect the kidneys, liver and other organs and systems of the body. Medicinal plants with proven antidote properties and new biotechnological methods of their introduction into the body are a way to solve the problem that scientists are working on. The aim of the research was to evaluate the antidote properties of medicinal plants as part of a phytopreparation using the example of Eleutherococcus senticosus to reduce the intoxication of the body of dairy cows with cadmium and lead. Experiments were conducted on dairy cows with different types of feeding. Twins of analogues selected by the method were divided into 3 groups. The first control and two experimental ones. The diet included feed with a high concentration of cadmium and lead. In the second experimental group, the animals were fed only the antitoxic premix, and in the third, the effect of the premix was enhanced by the injection of a phytopreparation from the extract of medicinal plants, among which Eleutherococcus senticosus 15 ml in 100 ml of the drug. Biometric data processing was carried out in the STATISTICA software package version 10.0. For each sample, the average value of the trait in the sample (M), Standard Deviation (SD) was calculated. The estimate is given as M ± SD. Differences between mean values were considered statistically significant at p<0.05. The animals of all experimental groups were fed with feed that exceeded the permissible standards of environmental safety in terms of cadmium and lead content. The use of the extract of the medicinal plant Eleutherococcus senticosus in the composition of the phytopreparation enhanced the antidotic properties of both the herbal preparation itself and the fed mineral-vitamin premix in the cows of the third experimental group. The concentration of toxic metals in milk, blood and internal organs of animals of this group has decreased significantly. The effect of pollutant accumulation was clearly visible in the body of the cows of the first control groups. Upon completion of the experiment, it was possible to produce milk that met both domestic quality and environmental safety standards, as well as the requirements of Regulation (EC) No. 853/2004 and No. 1881/2006). The extract of the medicinal plant Eleutherococcus senticosus as part of the phytopreparation acts as an antidote, protects the animal body from the toxic effects of heavy metals Cd, Pb, Cu and Zn, enhancing the elimination of xenobiotics from the body. A complex of antidotes, a premix and a phytopreparation contribute to the production of environmentally safe milk with a concentration of heavy metals within the permissible norms of ecosafety. Further research is aimed at the analysis of other medicinal plants included in the phytopreparation for their antidote, protective, phytomorphological and biochemical properties in relation to the toxic effects of heavy metals.


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