Modern Phytomorphology

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Knowledge, attitudes, and practices study on the impact of dietary habits on the efficacy of medications: Understanding public perception and behavior


Anas Ali Alhur, Afrah A. Alhur, Yara Makhfoor, Shaden Alnefaie, Shaimaa Emsaad, Dana Alburiki, Alaa Albattal, Shoug Alquraishi, Rawan Aluwaiweed, Jamaeyl Alotaibi, Sara Ibrahim, Norah Makhfoor, Lama Alalmaie, Sarah Alolyan, Aljawharah Alotaebi

This study examines the Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices (KAP) of the Saudi population regarding dietary habits' impact on medication efficacy. A cross-sectional survey revealed high awareness of food-drug interactions (62.35%) but gaps in adherence to dietary recommendations, influenced by gender and education level. Most participants (76.07%) expressed willingness to modify dietary habits for better outcomes. Predictors of adherence included education, gender, and positive attitudes. The findings highlight the need for digital tools and tailored education to bridge gaps and improve public adherence to dietary recommendations, enhancing medication efficacy and patient outcomes in Saudi Arabia.


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