Modern Phytomorphology

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Comparative flower morphology in Allium sativum L. (Amaryllidaceae).


O. Fishchuk, N. Kostruba, N. Chmil

The vascular anatomy and morphology structure of the Allium sativum flower were studied. New morphological features were investigated for taxonomy in Amaryllidaceae. 15 flowers of Allium sativum were sectioned using standard methods of Paraplast embedding and serial sectioning at 20 mm thickness. Sections were stained with Safranin and Astra Blau and mounted in Eukitt. We find three vertical zones in the Allium sativum gynoecium: synascidiate, symplicate and hemisymplicate. The micromorphology and vascular flower anatomy were described by using flowers transverse sections. The Allium sativum peduncle contains 6 vascular bundles - three large and three small ones, which branch out and form a circle of vascular bundles - a vascular cylinder, from which at the level of the peduncle they depart six pairs of vascular bundles, traces of tepals, traces of stamens and above - traces of dorsal carpel bundles. Stamens depart from the ovary wall. In the center of the ovary, there remains a circle of small vascular bundles- the roots of the ventral complex, which were reorganized above, with the appearance of locules, into ventral carpel bundles, which supplied ovules and end blindly. In the same way, the dorsal carpel bundles also end blindly. The trace of the ovules was single-bundle. The traces of the dorsal carpel bundles were single-bundled. There were 6 ovules, 2 ovules in each locule. Traces of stamens and traces of inner and outer tepals were single-bundled. The study of new features of vascular anatomy and flower morphology will make a significant contribution to the taxonomy of the Amaryllidaceae family.


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